Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fully Supported!

I am very excited to announce that I have finished raising my support! God has been so good to me, and provided the remainder of my support at a time I was least expecting it. December is a difficult time to raise support since everyone is very busy with family and holiday activities. I was anticipating having to wait until January to get the rest of my support raised. However, God works in such mysterious ways, and it is because of these ways that we can know it is Him working, and not ourselves!

One of my coworker's friends heard about my need for just $235/month in order to get on campus, and he and his wife decided they wanted to cover that need so I could get on campus as soon as possible. Their gift is incredibly generous, and one I feel very undeserving of. 

This is a tad unconventional, as their hope is to finish my support for 6-12 months, and in that time I will continue to raise support to cover their giving. But the good news is that at the same time, I can finally be on campus working with the students at Fishers High School. As my support coach said, this is a little "out of the box," but it is so clearly from the Lord, that he is willing to work with me to make their gift count. 

I will be officially beginning on campus at the start of next semester, and between now and then am able to start some reading and training work in addition to continuing to raise support. Something I'm learning about staff life is that the process of raising support is never quite finished. This is just another chapter of how I can be trusting the Lord to provide that $235 in addition to other needs over the next year. 

Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, and encouragement over the past 16 months of raising support, I never would have been able to do this without each and every one of you. I look forward to the next step in this journey, and can't wait to share all the amazing things I learn and experience when I begin working with the students! Hopefully I'll get better about blogging more consistently as well...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!!
