Student Venture

Student Venture is the high school and junior high ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Since 1966, we have been reaching out to teenagers with more than 1,300 full-time staff members, Student Venture affiliates, and local community volunteers. 

We are a community of Spirit-led, Christ-centered, spiritually maturing believers who are like minded in mission and purpose. We are only effective when we are collectively engaging the heart and mind of our Lord Jesus Christ. Without the vitality of a rich intimate relationship with God and firm grasp of His infallible Word, our missional framework is meaningless.
Student Venture is also a contributing member of the Campus Alliance and National Network of Youth Ministries. Through the Campus Alliance, Student Venture and 60 other national organizations are working hand in hand to develop campus movements so that every student everywhere has the opportunity to grow in character and know Christ personally.

Our Passion
The heartbeat of Student Venture is teenagers. They not only represent the future leaders and parents of our nation and world, but they are a major influence in today's society. Seldom will a day go by that teenagers are not the focus of national and worldwide news, both for good and bad. We work with students because they represent the most responsive age group to the gospel. Over 80% of those who receive Christ do so by age 18.

Student Venture Indy
I will be serving on the Indianapolis team of Student Venture. There are currently four high schools in the ministry, and I will be specifically serving the students at Fishers High School in Fishers, Indiana. For more information on Student Venture Indy please visit

Some of the high school students worshipping the Lord at one of
Student Venture's winter conferences in Xenia, OH, January 2011.